Tuesday, July 12, 2005

WhAt's WiTh yOu pEopLe!!!!!!

  • visualize what u want.think, live and dream it everyday.
  • focus on what u really want 2 achieve. listen to your parent's advice ( it helps! it won't hurt you!) but do what u gotta do coz i guess we are old enough to face the consequences. pray hard.
  • self-knowledge. be honest with yourself, and admit your strengths and weaknesses. once you know what u gotta do Give It Your All.
  • find out who you are before you jump into anything. be truthful about your passions.
  • love is more than kisses and cuddles. it has a lot to do with shared goals and interests and plenty of communication.
These things won't really assure us of a smiley-faced life. we are responsible on how our lives will turn out. there is no other person to blame if we grow old pissed off at the world. we cannot blame our parents, our friends, the people we loved but did not love us back, the people we hate yet love us, and most of all we cannot blame Him! we are all adults who can make the decisions that can either make or break us. but i really feel that if we submit to God everything we do whatever happens i know for a fact that as much as the trials and problems may hurt me, in the end i will be smiling. i am dead sure he won't allow anything bad to happen to His beautiul daughter (ha!ha!).

people just live a happy life! if u find yourself pouting just because you do not have the latest gadget or you cannot get that raise in your allowance(this doesn't apply to my yuppie friends anymore.hehe) or just because you have a pimple!!! think of the kids who would die to be in your shoes - to have your parents who are trying to provide you with what you want, to wear the clothes you're wearing, to eat the food you are eating. sometimes we are so caught up in our shallow little worlds that we forget to see the big picture! instead of casting evil glances to that girl/guy who seems to have it all or having a self-pity party just because there seems to be something missing in your life - a boyfriend or a girlfriend why don't we just take the time to see how lucky we are. try to spare a few minutes to thank Him for all the small things that we took for granted.Continue loving the people around you. be kind to them. Smile! embrace each day with a smile and with that goal to put a smile in another person's face. you just don't know how badly the people around you may need that. :)

Remember how to dream like a child again! do not be afraid to imagine what would really make you happy - no matter how wild or impossible it may seem. let this act of dreaming guide you when you're most confused about what you want out of life.


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